Notice and Terms of Use

Notice Clause
Communication with the Ombuds Program does not constitute notice to the University.  The Ombuds Program is not authorized to accept notice of discrimination or reports of crimes, including allegations that may be perceived to be violations of laws, such as a Title IX claim.  Visitors who wish to obligate the University to respond in any way must pursue alternative avenues.  The Ombuds Program can provide information about these alternative avenues.
Terms of Use 
The Ombuds Program is a completely voluntary service provided as an optional benefit to the University community.  By electing to use the Program, you agree to never seek to compel the ombudsperson to disclose any information received as part of providing ombuds services in any other forum, including a formal grievance or lawsuit.  You agree to honor the terms of use of the Ombuds Program as a contract between you and the University and understand that it is the ombudsperson who retains the right to maintain confidentiality and that this is not something that you, the visitor, can waive. 
Employees shall be granted reasonable time away from their work location in order to use the Ombuds Program and its services.  No one shall be compelled to disclose that they wish to visit the Ombuds Program or seek permission to use the Program.  No student or employee shall be retaliated against for using the Ombuds Program nor shall anyone be forced to disclose the contents of their conversations with the ombudsperson by any other university employee.